Today, is one of those days that I don’t want to fight or struggle with what the world provides me with. All i can say is that, I took some time to open up and to be vulnerable, and most often than not. It is coupled with disappointment. When the heart is ready, he is…
Beyond the breaking point.
This year proves to be a challenging one. or maybe being in my 30s in general, is tiring (?) I’ve been busy with pottery, learning how my innerself reflects on my outerself. ( it is a straight line , 100% corelation ) I’ve also just gotten a new bike, so it is an amazing…
I can feel it coming
Lately, i’ve been surprised with this overwhelming positive feeling. As if, someone has my back, and it brings me great joy and peace in my heart. I wonder what’s ahead.
Not forgetting those who loves me back
At the finishing line
Today, I thought of papa. My mind is showing me all these memories, The bible tells me that, when we go to heaven, we could be different beings, and we wouldn’t have a clue about the incidents we have on earth. When I got to know this, I was disappointed, but I would…
These Days
Lately, I’ve been listening to Nina Simone, I think she’s a pretty misunderstood artist. Some of her take on songs, revealed another, softer side to her – which I absolutely adore. She made the words come alive, to the foreground and left the music as the background. It’s 3.45 am and I’m sitting here on…
10th May 2020
Today is mother’s day, and tomorrow is my mom’s birthday. She .. gave birth to me, and has been listening to all my stupid problems for the past 33 years. With each passing year, she has more pains in her body, and her memory fades little by little. I still remember when i was little,…
Going through my stuffs
I’m going through my journals, of things that i pen down. This particular book ( I have many books, where i just utilise the first 10 pages of the book) has some emotions, and exact places where I was and what i did. In this book, i also had some dreams for myself, and I…
When I have finished making miso soup and forgetting to add seaweed before i finished with this dish. Also anger When bullying is disguised as a joke. Bullying is bullying. Don’t label it as a joke. My estranged relationship with my sister. This passive aggressive way of approaching life, or any kind of argument. is…