I’ve been so vulnerable lately. I’m sure something in going on inside of me, there’s been tears, and anger, and frustration, and joy, and revelation, and happiness, and joy. It expands and constricts me at the same time. Something’s brewing. There are moments, i am entirely aware how strong, and courages i am,…
Author: Vanessa Chua
Father’s Day Weekend
Somehow the body knows.. what weekend is it. I think of papa every now and then, and a little more lately. mostly fondly. Tears is a constant friend during these thoughts, simply because there’s so much love. A friend recently reminded me, how hard my life has been, and how far i’ve come. (Hardship not…
what punishments of god are not gifts
Can’t entirely agree on the statement. But i guess, longing and sadness comes from a happy place, a memory that was once is. Its the 2nd of Feb, and im jaded as fuck. haha. need a holiday.
Making Choices
I make thousands of choices everyday, for my future self, my current self. for the people around me, my family, my business, my team, my career. Nothing here is hard-wired, no achievement or outcome in my life, is due to how I am “hard-wired”. I set the tone how the day should be, to run…
If music be the food of love, play on; Give me excess of it, that, surfeiting, The appetite may sicken, and so die
I often wonder if i really love music, or its just a line i say to myself. I play the piano, and now, the cello. I am greatly moved by music, sometimes to tears. The vibration strikes a chord in me. When i hear a song, in my head – i hear the breakdown of…
Finding Courage to be curious again
One of the attributes that i often get praised for is for my relentless spirit – sometimes in a comparatively way. In a way that, it is a measurement how much im doing and the absence of it, in their life. Often in a way, that suggest that i have too much time, or am…
One of the exercise that I have been wanting to do for the longest time, is to look back, and understand how far i have come. I constantly feel like the ground beneath me just sucks me right in, leaving me to struggle. A lot of time, as much as i whine, I would overcome…
Learning to listen…
Today, i had a strong strong urge to exercise, i ignored. And like every other smart system, my body managed to bring myself to the yoga mat for a meditation session. While i was placing my mat on the floor, and gathered the tools… the meditation buckwheat pillow is a must, along with my favourite…
Your Goodness is running after, its running after me.
Its a Tuesday night, i want to pen down my thoughts, and everything I feel at this moment. I finally give in to myself. Choosing myself, at my on timing, giving myself the space and respect i deserve. I quiet down my own mind, and told myself that I have already won. I have…
Life, as they say it.
I have been feeling a little down lately due to a sexual harassment episode that happened at work. And i finally feel like i need to pen down my thoughts. Hard seems to be an understatement to what im going through. These past months, I’ve felt confused, stuck in time, sadness, anger, powerless, powerful, courageous,…